Friday, 5 December 2014

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Texting Really Hurts Your Spine!

We’ve heard about the dangers of texting for years now. At first, some people complained about text messages, saying that they were a cheap replacement for phone calls and were highly unprofessional and impersonal. There were those who didn’t believe texting would ever really catch on. I needn’t have to argue that texting is incredibly popular now, and that it’s probably more popular than ever; as such, health experts are warning us of another potential problem of constant texting – spinal issues. That’s correct – a back surgeon from New York has done all kinds of research on the subject, and he’s convinced that the way we normally text, by looking down at our phones, exerts around 60 pounds of additional force on our heads. Given the fact that many Americans spend somewhere in the ballpark of an hour a day texting anyone and everyone, over time, that pattern can really have a damaging impact on the spine. If left unchecked, it can ultimately lead to back surgeries, etc. Texting Really Hurts Your Spine!
I realized people texted a lot, but I must admit I never thought it could lead to spinal problems. And then, I stumbled across a special on the subject while watching the news the other day. It appears the only way one can “safely” text is by holding the phone directly across from your face, without angling your head whatsoever.
How long do you spend texting each day? Have you suffered any spinal problems directly related to texting? If so, please tell us about them in the comments section below. It will be interesting to see how common this problem really is!