Saturday, 4 April 2015

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Oh, no. Samsung's new phone bends just like an iPhone?

Technically Incorrect offers a slightly twisted take on the tech that's taken over our lives.

The Galaxy S6 Edge allegedly cracks under pressure. SquareTrade/YouTube screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET

In the annals of great disasters, Bendgate has its place.

Surely you remember the iPhone 6 Plusbeing bent by the bare hairy hands of experts, and even by machines?

Surely you wept as you saw it disfigured like a night on the town after one too many banana daiquiris.

Naturally, competitors saw this and chuckled. Samsung even released a videothat allegedly proved its Galaxy Note 4was not for bending.

The same doesn't seem to be true with the Galaxy 6 Edge. The big brains at SquareTrade decided to put this lovely new phone to the test. What they discovered is that it became unlovely with exactly the sort of pressure that did in the iPhone 6 Plus.

The testing video shows that one leg of an offensive lineman -- I'm estimating it weighs 110 pounds -- not only bends the Edge, but also gets its glass to crack.

Moreover, the Edge broke apart at 149 pounds of pressure, whereas the iPhone 6 Plus survived until 179 pounds.

I imagine that one or two Apple fanpersons will be giggling to their Easter Bunnies at this news. They might even crow to their Edgier friends that their gadget cracks under pressure.